Hotel Staff Accommodation Rules

  1. Volkhov Hotel accommodation rules | Volkhov Hotel – official site
  2. 10 and 5 Staff Rule | Hospitality 101
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  4. Hotel staff accommodation runes of magic

Front Office Managers are responsible for guest reservations while the Restaurant Manager would be in charge of the food and drink provided by the hotel. Sometimes in larger hotels a Convention Manager would be employed to coordinate all activities relating to meetings, these will include meeting with the guests to ensure that the required schedule is correctly planned. In many hotels managers will have a variety of assistants, whose job descriptions will usually depend on the hotel's size and its capacity. Usually it is the role of the Assistant Manager to employ and arrange the training of new staff, supervise staff and organise the running of their department, e. the ordering of supplies. In smaller hotels the Assistant Managers could find themselves filling the position of absent workers. For example, they might have to fill in for the valet and spend time running the valet parking while the usual valet is away. Or perhaps they might have to cover for a maid and prepare bedrooms for guests.

Volkhov Hotel accommodation rules | Volkhov Hotel – official site

SETTLEMENT Check-in rules CHECK IN 14:00 If the guest stays for no more than a day (24 hours), the fee will be charged at least one day (without meals), regardless of the check-out time and time of arrival. DO YOU PLAN TO ARRIVE AT THE HOTEL BEFORE 14: 00 EARLY «CHECK-IN SERVICE» - 50% cost of a day ( from the official rates) Accommodation before 14: 00 Moscow time on the day of arrival is not guaranteed and can be carried out if there are available clean rooms of the corresponding category. If a guest stays from 0: 00 to 14: 00 on the day of arrival, the cost of half a night's stay (without additional services, including meals) will be charged if they continue to stay after 12:00 on the day of arrival. LUGGAGE ROOM - free Each guest of the city-hotel can use free of charge the services of Luggage storage located in the halls near the reception and accommodation counters. For the convenience of guests, Luggage rooms are open around the clock. The rooms are closed and can be opened by the reception staff at the guest's request.

10 and 5 Staff Rule | Hospitality 101

4. Be transparent and communicative There is always a line between employee and manager – as there should be – but if you make that line a bridge it won't feel like you're on the same team. If employees have questions about the business, your work as a manager, or the work of other employees, this is information that should be shared. It will further cement the idea that everyone is in it together and shut down any potential disputes between employees themselves or employees and managers. Tip #3 Incentivise staff members to stay long-term One main reason for high turnover in hospitality is that workers can get to a stage where they feel stuck. The potential to learn new skills or advance to a higher position and pay rate is limited. This can lead to boredom, frustration, and a downturn in performance. Try your best to keep your hotel staff motivated and enthusiastic about their job. If you can't offer promotions, perhaps you could send employees to conferences or workshops to broaden their knowledge or discover new ways to approach their job.

In the absence of a guest at the place of residence more than 2 hours after the arrival of his checkout time, the hotel has the right to create a commission and make an inventory of the property located in the room. Material values ​​in the form of cash, precious metals, valuable documents, the administration takes under its responsibility. Other property is in service. In case of complaints from the guest, the administration takes all possible measures to resolve the conflict, as provided for by law. The administration has the right to refuse guests and visitors of the hotel to provide any services indicated in the price list for medical reasons and in the event of aggression by the guest regarding staff and other guests, aggression or actions threatening the health or property of others. In cases of gross violation of the rules of conduct or safety measures by guests and visitors, the hotel administration has the right to refuse guests and visitors to continue staying on the hotel's territory with an obligatory drawing up of an act on this violation and inviting employees of the competent authorities if necessary.

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The administration is not responsible for the loss of valuable guest things in the room. Guest can always use the service safe. In case of discovery of forgotten things, the administration takes measures to return them to their owners. Calls to the city of Gagarin to landline phone numbers are free. Calls to mobile phones, to other cities and countries are charged separately at fixed rates, calls must be paid at the reception. The book of comments and suggestions is at the reception of the hotel and is issued at the request of the guest. The hotel management reserves the right to visit the room without the consent of the guest in case of smoke, fire, flooding, as well as in case of violation of the present order of residence, public order, use of household appliances by the guest. The hotel has the right to terminate the contract for the provision of hotel services unilaterally, or refuse to extend the period of stay in case of violation by the guest of the order of residence, late payment of hotel services, causing the guest material damage to the hotel.